Visa Sticker Specimen

Visa Sticker

For training purposes. Demonstrate various safety
features in an illustrative way.

Security Features

Diagramm Halbach Security Printing

Security printing uses a wide range of printing technologies, including complex high-resolution CtP technology, complex iris coloring, foil applications, digital coding, RFID technology, and silkscreen.

Kinegram Security Element

This optically variable security element from OVD Kinegram contains several copy-proof test effects. Defined motion sequences can be checked with the light sources integrated in the Doculus Lumus®.

Sicpa High Security Inks

The Sicpa Star® tilt effect ink makes it easy to check the authenticity of the visa sticker. The color changes when tilted. Sicpa Oasis® is transparent under infrared light. In addition, the color contains the machine-readable security feature Sicpa Guard® for electronic readout.

Chemical Reactivity

The background print has been designed by offset printing with multiple iris colorings and chemically reactive inks. When manipulated by chemical means, the ink bleeds and the security features of the background print are destroyed.

VDS Visual Digital Seal

The Visible Digital Seal (VDS) is a cryptogra-phically signed encoding that contains the essential personal details of an ID document that can be visually verified on the ID docu-ment. The VDS can neither be manipulated nor reproduced due to the cryptographically signed encoding.

Take a look at the UV Print!

Simply hover over the Visa Sticker Specimen with the cursor!

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Security Features

For training purposes. Demonstrate various safety features in an illustrative way.

Take a look at the UV Print!

Simply tap on the Visa Sticker Specimen!

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